Micromamba Installation#

micromamba is a fully statically-linked, self-contained, executable. This means that the base environment is completely empty. The configuration for micromamba is slightly different, namely all environments and cache will be created by default under the MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX environment variable. There is also no pre-configured .condarc/.mambarc shipped with micromamba (they are however still read if present).

Operating System package managers#


On macOS, you can install micromamba from Homebrew:

brew install micromamba

Mamba-org releases#

Automatic install#


This is the recommended way to install micromamba.

If you are using macOS, Linux, or Git Bash on Windows there is a simple way of installing micromamba. Simply execute the installation script in your preferred shell.

For Linux, macOS, or Git Bash on Windows install with:

"${SHELL}" <(curl -L micro.mamba.pm/install.sh)

On Windows Powershell, use

Invoke-Expression ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://micro.mamba.pm/install.ps1).Content)

Self updates#

Once installed, micromamba can be updated with

micromamba self-update

A explicit version can be specified with

micromamba self-update --version 1.4.6

Manual installation#


This is for advanced users.

Linux and macOS#

Download and unzip the executable (from the official conda-forge package):

Ensure that basic utilities are installed. We need curl and tar with support for bzip2. Also you need a glibc based system like Ubuntu, Fedora or Centos (Alpine Linux does not work natively).

The following magic URL always returns the latest available version of micromamba, and the bin/micromamba part is automatically extracted using tar.

# Linux Intel (x86_64):
curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-64/latest | tar -xvj bin/micromamba
# Linux ARM64:
curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-aarch64/latest | tar -xvj bin/micromamba
# Linux Power:
curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/linux-ppc64le/latest | tar -xvj bin/micromamba
# macOS Intel (x86_64):
curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/osx-64/latest | tar -xvj bin/micromamba
# macOS Silicon/M1 (ARM64):
curl -Ls https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/osx-arm64/latest | tar -xvj bin/micromamba

After extraction is completed, we can use the micromamba binary.

If you want to quickly use micromamba in an ad-hoc usecase, you can run

export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=/some/prefix  # optional, defaults to ~/micromamba
eval "$(./bin/micromamba shell hook -s posix)"

This shell hook modifies your shell variables to include the micromamba command.

If you want to persist these changes, you can automatically write them to your .bashrc (or .zshrc) by running ./micromamba shell init .... This also allows you to choose a custom MAMBA_ROOT_ENVIRONMENT, which is where the packages and repodata cache will live.

# Linux/bash:
./bin/micromamba shell init -s bash -p ~/micromamba  # this writes to your .bashrc file
# sourcing the bashrc file incorporates the changes into the running session.
# better yet, restart your terminal!
source ~/.bashrc

# macOS/zsh:
./micromamba shell init -s zsh -p ~/micromamba
source ~/.zshrc

Now you can activate the base environment and install new packages, or create other environments.

micromamba activate  # this activates the base environment
micromamba install python=3.6 jupyter -c conda-forge
# or
micromamba create -n env_name xtensor -c conda-forge
micromamba activate env_name

An exclusive conda-forge setup can be configured with:

micromamba config append channels conda-forge
micromamba config set channel_priority strict


micromamba also has Windows support! For Windows, we recommend powershell.
Below are the commands to get micromamba installed in PowerShell.
Invoke-Webrequest -URI https://micro.mamba.pm/api/micromamba/win-64/latest -OutFile micromamba.tar.bz2
tar xf micromamba.tar.bz2

MOVE -Force Library\bin\micromamba.exe micromamba.exe
.\micromamba.exe --help

# You can use e.g. $HOME\micromambaenv as your base prefix

# Invoke the hook
.\micromamba.exe shell hook -s powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

# ... or initialize the shell
.\micromamba.exe shell init -s powershell -p C:\Your\Root\Prefix
# and use micromamba directly
micromamba create -f ./test/env_win.yaml -y
micromamba activate yourenv

Nightly builds#

You can download fully statically linked builds for each commit to main on GitHub (scroll to the bottom of the “Summary” page): mamba-org/mamba

Docker images#

The mambaorg/micromamba docker image can be used to run micromamba without installing it:

docker run -it --rm mambaorg/micromamba:latest micromamba info

Build from source#


These instuction do not work currently on Windows, which requires a more complex hybrid build. For up-to-date instructions on Windows and Unix, consult the scripts in the micromamba-feedstock.

To build from source, install the development dependencies, using a Conda compatible installer (conda/mamba/micromamba/rattler/pixi).

micromamba create -n mamba --file dev/environment-micromamba-static.yml
micromamba activate -n mamba

Use CMake from this environment to drive the build:

cmake -B build/ \
    -G Ninja \
    ${CMAKE_ARGS} \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" \
cmake --build build/ --parallel

You will find the executable under “build/micromamba/micromamba”. The executable can be striped to remove its size:

strip "build/micromamba/micromamba"

Shell completion#

For now, only micromamba provides shell completion on bash and zsh.

To activate it, it’s as simple as running:

micromamba shell completion

The completion is now available in any new shell opened or in the current shell after sourcing the configuration file to take modifications into account.

source ~/.<shell>rc
Just hit <TAB><TAB> to get completion when typing your command.
For example the following command will help you to pick a named environment to activate:
micromamba activate <TAB><TAB>