Mamba Installation#
Fresh install (recommended)#
We recommend that you start with the Miniforge distribution >= Miniforge3-23.3.1-0
If you need an older version of Mamba, please use the Mambaforge distribution.
Miniforge comes with the popular conda-forge
channel preconfigured, but you can modify the configuration to use any channel you like.
After successful installation, you can use the mamba commands as described in mamba user guide.
Docker images#
In addition to the Miniforge standalone distribution (see above), there are also the condaforge/miniforge3 docker images:
docker run -it --rm condaforge/miniforge3:latest mamba info
Conda libmamba solver#
For a totally conda-compatible experience with the fast Mamba solver, conda-libmamba-solver now ships by default with Conda. Just use an up to date version of Conda to enjoy the speed improvememts.